Carbon Karma Faq

  1. What are Carbon Karma® carbon credits?
    U.S. carbon credits are digital certificates issued that represent the reduction or removal of one metric ton of carbon dioxide (CO₂) or its equivalent in other greenhouse gases from the atmosphere.

  2. How does purchasing carbon credits work?
    Individuals can purchase Carbon Karma® carbon credits to offset their personal carbon footprint from activities like flying, driving, or home energy use, making their lifestyles more environmentally friendly. You then receive a digital certificate with offset.

  3. Can Carbon Karma® carbon credits eliminate my carbon footprint entirely?
    They can offset emissions, but reducing your actual emissions is still critical to achieving net-zero goals.

  4. Regulated and voluntary markets
    Carbon credits operate in two markets: compliance (regulated by government mandates) and voluntary (for businesses or individuals aiming to reduce their carbon footprint beyond legal requirements). Carbon Karma® operates on the voluntary market.

  5. What’s the difference between carbon credits and carbon offsets?
    Carbon offsets are the action of compensating for emissions, typically through projects that reduce or remove CO₂. Carbon Karma® carbon credits are digital certificates representing these offsets.

  6. Are carbon credits just a way to "buy" environmental guilt away?
    Carbon Karma® carbon credits fund necessary emission reductions and environmental projects that might not happen otherwise. However, reducing emissions is still essential.

  7. Can carbon credits eliminate my carbon footprint entirely?
    They can offset emissions, but reducing your actual emissions is still critical to achieving net-zero goals.

  8. Do carbon credits help preserve forests and biodiversity?
    Carbon credit projects can involve both reforestation and forest conservation, which not only capture carbon but also protect biodiversity and provide habitat for wildlife.

  9. Do carbon credits help with methane capture?
    Carbon credit projects can reduce potent greenhouse gases like methane by capturing it from landfills or agricultural processes and converting it into energy.

  10. Do corporations use carbon credits to achieve sustainability goals?
    Yes, many companies use carbon credits to meet sustainability or net-zero targets, enhancing their reputation with eco-conscious consumers and investors.

  11. Are carbon credits tax-deductible?
    It depends on local tax laws and whether the purchase is considered a donation or business expense. Carbon Karma® is not a 501(c)(3).

  12. How many carbon credits do I need to offset my carbon footprint?
    In the U.S., each person produces about 16 tons of carbon dioxide each year. Worldwide, the average person produces about four tons of carbon dioxide each year. To offset your personal omissions yearly, you would need to purchase 16 Carbon Karma® carbon credit certificates.

  13. Can carbon credits offset air travel?
    Yes, many people buy Carbon Karma® carbon credits to offset emissions from flights.

  14. Is the carbon credit certificate I purchased refundable? No, you cannot return a carbon credit certificate. Carbon credit certificates are not eligible for a refund. If you want to sell your carbon credit(s), you can do so on global exchanges.

  15. What is the role of carbon credits in achieving net-zero goals?
    U.S. carbon credits help offset unavoidable emissions, making them an essential part of comprehensive net-zero strategies alongside emission reductions.